Release Log Summary. #
Improvement #
- Add new custom payment options as custom payment 4 & custom payment 5.
- New option to create custom suspend layout using slim3 layout format and ability to get print on suspend sale.
- Validation for restricting the purchase reference number duplicate based on the supplier.
- New option to add unique purchase bill number based on the supplier when adding purchase invoice.
- New option to show last added Lot number for a product when adding purchase invoice.
Bugs #
- Barcode scan issue fixed.
- Product Sell Report export files decimal points issue fixed.
- Product Sell Report not showing in Grouped wise issue fixed.
- Product table customer fields are not showing bug fixed.
- Location based discount not applying bug fixed.
- Role permission bug when access Tables & Modifiers issue fixed.
- Category filter not working in Item report bug fixed.
- Payable tax not printing on purchase invoice issue fixed.