Improvements #
Import Product Re Modification – Simple product upload #

- Implement a simple product upload template for the easy usage for users (Remodification of existing template).
Add new columns with quotation status, invoice number with filters #

- Add new columns for filter the quotation status and to add the invoice number. so it can filter incompleted quotations and completed quotations separately.
Bugs & Hot Fixes #
- Fixed the issue of not updating the cash register, including Sales and Payment Due (Credit Sales).
- Fixed the issue of supplier is incorrect on product sales report and stock incorrect issue in supplier ledger report.
- Fixed all issues of Woocommerce module
- Product sync queue
- Auto order sync
- Variation Images auto sync (create/update) is not working
- Image auto sync update not working
- Product update auto sync not working
- Fixed the issue of some products’ selling price in products list is not come to printed barcode correctly, also fixed the alignment of barcodes correctly in the print view.
- Fixed the issue occured when adding expense through POS – with refund option, not visible in register report.
- Fixed the issue occured when adding products, multiple entries with the same product name are added to the list, the number of these entries does not match the stock quantity of the product.
- Fixed the issue arised when importing products, items taking too long time to upload.