It is a card issued by a businessman to his loyal customers as part of a customer incentive scheme, which adds value to each transaction report.
In another word you can give some benefit to your customer once you recommended it to another party.
Firstly as the business owner, you need to issue promo codes for your loyal customer, then the promo code holder can issue a promo code number for his friend or someone. Once a friend or someone (who has a promo code number ) buys goods from your business you can issue a commission for the card holder and a discount for new customers.
Loyalty card programs are a great way to generate extra business that encourages your customers to come back. It is an effective marketing tool to help you advertise your company or brand.
Click the following to see how to add a reward point. Click here
View Promo Card.
We will show you the promo cards that we have already added.
Then click on the Card Detail
Fill in the details related to the card type.
Then click on Add card row.
Assign or issue to the customer
– By auto: Select the customer, select the relevant card type and click on add promo card & code.
– By Manual: You can select a customer, select the relevant card type, and type a manual promo code. Click on add promo card & code.
Add to the relevant item for the card holder and click on the Discount button.
Type or Scan the promo code
NOTE : Then the relevant commission will be added to the card holder and the relevant discount will be deducted from the bill.
Then you can Update
You click on the PAY button
You can show Invoice preview and you can sea discount amount on the invoice.
You can view the cardholder’s commission report related to the promo code by clicking on Commission Report.
NOTE : The commission is an expense, it affects the profit on a relevant day.
Click on the Due button
Click on the Add Payment button
Fill in and save the details related to the amount redeemed and the payment given to the customer by the commission added to the customer & SAVE
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