Manufacturing module for Storemate #
The manufacturing module is used to convert raw materials to final products.
This module helps you with the complete manufacturing process, that is adding recipes, production, raw material cost, production cost, lot number, expiry, and a lot more.

Options in the Manufacturing module #
- Recipe Management
- The recipe specifies the exact quantity of raw material or ingredients to be used to make the final product. In order to produce a product, standard instructions are followed that process the raw material or raw material in specific quantities to obtain a quality final product.
- Production Management
- Based on the recipe added for products, in production, it shows the total quantity of all raw materials required for the manufacturing N quantity of product.
- Based on the recipe added for products, in production, it shows the total quantity of all raw materials required for the manufacturing N quantity of product.
- Setting and reports
- Option for adding Production Ref No as the prefix:
- Option for disabling editing ingredients quantity in production
- Option for update product purchase price based on production price, on finalizing production
- Stock report for manufacturing items
- Item reports for manufacturing items
- production details report for individual production
How to work #
Enable Module #
Step 01: Update your subscription for Shopify Module. (Contact Storemate Support)
Add Recipe #

- To add a new recipe, go to Manufacturing -> Recipe
- Click on the Add button, it will open a popup,
- Choose Product: select the product for which you want to add a recipe
- Copy from recipe: (optional) choose the product whose recipe will be copied to the chosen product. You can use this option to quickly copy a recipe from another product & make small changes as required.
- Add all ingredients/raw materials, wastage percentage & final quantity.
The wastage percentage mentioned here is wastage for the raw ingredients which happens when the ingredient is cleaned, for example in cabbage some % is wasted when leaves & stems are removed. If the raw materials you’re using don’t have wastage you can keep it 0 %, which is the default.
Raw Ingredients: Raw ingredients are taken from the list of products. You can mark a raw ingredient as “Not For Sale” if it is not used for selling individually. For example, Some Raw ingredients like butter can be sold, some cannot be. - Wastage %: Enter the wastage for the final product which can happen because of bad quality or other reasons.
- Total Output Quantity: Output quantity for which you entered the recipe.
- Production Cost: Check the production cost as described below.
- Recipe Instructions: Steps to be followed for the production of the final product from ingredients.
Add Production #
- To add production go to Manufacturing -> Add Production
- Reference No: Optional reference number, you can keep it blank to auto-generate it.
- Business Location: Select the business location where production is done. Raw ingredients stocks will be deducted from this location & final manufactured product stock will be added to this location.
- Product: Select the product for manufacturing. based on selected product it will display all the Raw ingredients from recipe added.
- Quantity: Quantity of final product to manufactured. Based on this Raw ingredients quantity will be calculated from recipe.
- Input Quantity: Input quantity raw ingredients which will be used for production.
- Wastage Percent: Waste percentage of raw ingredients. For example, if you took Cabbage 1 KG, and 200 grams is wastage then wastage percentage is 20%, so 800 grams will be the final quantity.
- Final quantity: Input Quantity – Wastage Percent
- Wasted Quantity: Wastage quantity of final product for any reason.
- Production Cost: Check the production cost as described below.
- Finalize checkbox: Check this checkbox to finalize the production, this will remove the stock of raw ingredients & add stocks for the manufactured products. After finalizing the production cannot be edited.
Production Cost: #
- Fixed: If cost is fixed then a fixed amount will be used as production cost.
- Percentage: If percentage then the percentage of ingredients cost is taken as production cost.
- Per Unit: In this case, the total production cost is multiplied by the total output quantity
Settings: #
- Production Ref No. prefix: Prefix number when production reference number is auto-generated.
- Disable editing ingredients quantity: Disable editing of ingredients when adding production, this can help to restrict staff from editing raw ingredients